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Updating your CV with Obelisk

Consultant Help Docs

Please ensure your Obelisk CV is up-to-date so we can match you to the most appropriate roles.

To ensure that your Obelisk CV is up-to-date, please check that the positions visible on your Work History are reflective of your experience (your Work History is accessible via your Obelisk Profile). If this is not the case, please add new positions and/or edit existing positions via your Work History. Alternatively, you can email us an updated CV to [email protected] that details all of the positions, including your responsibilities and achievements relevant to each position that you would like to be included in your Obelisk CV and we will change your Work History for you. CVs should be kept simple (no fancy fonts and complex layouts) and emailed as Microsoft Word documents to ensure that our parsing technology accurately processes the content and reflects your experience in the best possible way.

For your Obelisk CV, we also require the following information: jurisdiction/s in which you are admitted to practise and any university qualifications and/or legal qualifications that you have attained. If you did not provide us with such information at the time of your onboarding or need to provide us with updated information in regard to jurisdictions and/or qualifications, please email this to us at [email protected] and we will ensure that it is added to your Obelisk CV.

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